Robert Thomas v. Henry Pile. Deposition of Mary Stone

Miss Mary Stone aged fifty six years being sworn deposeth that she knew David Stone ever since she could remember that she knew of a negro woman named Peg whom he either swopp'd or sold to David John Sample about thirty years ago. That Peg was black and her hair woolly. That Mr Stone was a good Master. That she lived all her life within two miles of David Stone. That he was a relation of hers and she was very intimate in the family and their negroes mutually intermarried, with each other. That Peg was a daughter of Betty Mingo's. That she never heard or understood in the Neighbourhood that Peg or any of the Family were entitled to Freedom. That she never knew Betty Mingo who was said to be Mother of Peg. This deponent knew Catherine Stone who was a very old woman very religious and well disposed and of very good Character. That she knew the late Mrs. Eden and was well acquainted with her, but never had any conversation with her on this Subject; that she very well remembers Mrs. Catherine Stone and she has been dead about forty years. That Mrs Catherine Stone was Mother in Law to David Stone being the Second Wife and Widow of Thomas Stone.
Sworn before the Subscriber this 22d. March 1793
Richd. Barnes
Taken in the presence of us.
G. Duvall atty. for Petr.
Philip B Key for Defedt

Miss Mary Stone
filed 31. Octo 1794