Robert Thomas v. Henry Pile. Deposition of Mary McKoy


Mrs Mary McKoy aged sixty nine years being sworn on the holy Evangily of Almighty God deposeth and Saith, that she was well acquainted with Mr David Stone of Charles County and with his Family and Negroes, That she knew Peg many years in Possession of David Stone before he sold her to John Semple. That This deponent used to frequent Mr. David Stones Family as a midwife and that she never heard that Peg or any of her Family were entitled to their Freedom or that they set up any Claim to it until the Butlers were set free. That David Stone was a man of good Character and a good Master to his Slaves as far as she knew.

Sworn before the Subscribers on the 23rd March 1793
Henry Barnes

Taken in the presence of us.
G. Duvall for Petrs.
Philip B Key for Deft.


1½ sid

Mary McCoy's Deposition

No. 1.

Mrs. Mary McKoy

No. 1.


Depositions in Case of Negro Thomas's

filed 31. Octo 1794