Robert Thomas v. Henry Pile. Margaret Reeder's Answers to Interrogatories
Petitioners Interrogatories.
1 Do you know the parties in this Suit and how long have you known them
2 Do you know the mother of the Petitioner and how long have you known her?
3 Do you know the Grandmother of the Petitioner and how long did you know her.
4 Did you know Betty Mingo a Mulatto woman who lived with Mrs. Pile mother of the Defendant if yea when and how long did you know her and did you know or have you heard and from whom and when that Betty Mingo was descended from a White Woman or a free Woman, relate your knowledge fully and Freely
Copy - G Duvall for Compts
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Petitioners Interrogatories to Margaret Reeder
Filed 31st October 1794
Defendants Interrogatories
1 Where have you lived and how far from Pointon Manor - and how long at the place where you now are?
2. Did you know Thomas Stone Father of David Stone - and Catherine Stone Widow of Thomas Stone - and David Stone or Either of them and how long did you know them.
3. Was Betty Mingo and her Desendants held and reputed Slaves and how long have you known her and them thus held.
4. Did you Ever know or Did you Ever hear that Thomas Stone or David Stone held any persons in Slavery who had a right to Freedom?
5. Did you Ever know or hear of a Mary Curtis who was formerly a servant to Swan of St. Marys County.
6 Do you know of an Exchange which took place between old Mr. Wharton and Thomas Stone of Negro Women - relate all you Knowledge upon that Subject.
7. How long ago has it been since you first heard that the Mingos had taken the Name of Thomas.
8 Do you know or have you heard why the Negroes who have petitioned took the Name of Thomas - or why they were called Mingos?
P. B. Key for Deft
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Defendants Interrogatories to Margaret Reeder
Filed 31st. October 1794
Charles County to wit - 12th September 1794.
Margaret Reeder being duly sworn Sworn on the holy Evangelist of almighty God Deposeth and Saith - That she thinks she is now about Ninety Nine years of age the 16th Day of March last - and being interrogated upon the Interrogatorys of the Petitioner she answered as follows - To the first -
1 - Knows nothing of Either
2. She does not know nor has she heard any thing of the mother of the Petitioner
3 She does not know Robert Thomas nor from whom he came.
4. Has heard of Betty Mingo - but never saw her - She has heard that Thomas Stone whom she knew very well swopt Betty Mingo with Mr. Wharton for a Negroe Woman and Slave called Cate. She never knew or heard that Betty Mingo was descendeded from a Free woman or white woman.
Being Interrogated on the Interrogatories of the Defendant she deposeth and Saith To the
1st: She [illegible] lived within four miles of Pointon from her Infancy till she was married - after she was married to this time she lived within half a mile of Pointon Manor.
2. She was not acquainted with Thomas above five years before he died. She knew Catherine Catherine Stone very well and helped to put her in her Coffin & if there was a good woman in the place she believes she was and or ever born. She knew David David Stone from being a Boy.
3. She never knew Betty Mingo nor her Descendants except Robin Mingo who belonged to David Stone but does not who was his mother.
4 She has never heard any such thing - She has heard of several - as Ray, Bridget and Sarah Bower whose mother was a White Woman and who were discharged when their times were out. - to wit the Men to 31 years.
5 Never knew or heard of Mary Curtis.
6. Answered in the 4th. Question by the Petioner
7 Never heard it till tother Day when her son Richard mentioned the taking this Deposition to her she never heard any thing of Negroes belonging to the Stones calling themselves Thomas's
8 She does not know.
Marg'ret + Reeder
I Richard Barnes one of the Justices of Charles County do certify that I on the Day and year first mentioned did put the forgoing Interrogatories to Margaret Reeder on oath and received these answers to Each separately as they are set down as Witness my Hand this 12 Day of September 1794.
Richd: Barnes
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Dep. 5½ sid
Margaret Reeder's Interrogatories & Deposition.
No 29.
Filed 31st. October 1794