Cyrus Slater v. Enoch Bell. Affidavit of Evan P. Taylor

Evan P Taylor States Cyrus Slater was hired to him on the 16th day of May in the year 1810 by the month that a few days before the end of the year from the time he came to live with him his master Eden[?] Bell who then owned him came to him for a settlement of the wages due him, which he paid two days before the end of the year and discharged the negro then, with an intention that he should go home. On the day on which the year ended Mr. Bell came To Alexandria and enquired of this affiant for the said Cyrus stating that he had not got home. That on the same day in the evening Bell set off back for his home. That Bell resided in Montgomery County and this affiant received from Bell a letter dated the next day informing him that Cyrus was at home. That Bell resided in Montgomery County at the time Cyrus was hired to him. He had a written order from his master to hire himself and he might have been one or more days in Alexandria looking for some person to hire before he came to this affiant.
Affirmed to in Court 1" Decr. 1817
G. Deneale CC.