William v. George W. Lewis. Augustus Wynkoop to Jacob Hoffman
New York June 13th 1816
Jacob Hoffman Eqr.
Dr Sir
I wrote you by the mail of this morning, and according to promise, I now forward you the documents required according to your letters to me and the Revd Mr Lylle, on the subject of my late the negro boy William.
You will find enclosed my deposition made before John Nitchie Esqr. a public notary of this city, together with a Certificate from said notary, of the laws of this state, on the subject of slaves and servants.
I have recd a letter from G W Lewis dated at Washington, requesting my aid in getting his boy, whom he says is detained by a magistrate. I will not answer him. I have been much attached to the boy, and although his behavior has been such, as to compel me to part with him, I will do all in my power to prevent his being unjustly dealt by, and chearfully aid in bringing any persons so attempting to the punishment they deserve.
G. W. Lewis pretended he wanted the boy to ride about with him in visiting his patients in and about New Brunswick, and promised to treat him well. I sold him the boy for the term he had to serve me, namely untill 28 years of age. He pretended to be going direct to N. Brunswick when he took the boy with him, and it now appears he went direct to Norfolk!
Should you require a Copy of the "Laws of New York" I have no doubt but John P Van Ness Esquire of Washington City can furnish you with it.
I will do anything further that may be required of me, either to aid you in obtaining justice for the boy, or punishment for offenders against the laws for the protection of an unfortunate race of beings. For your disinterested services on this occasion you deserve the thanks of all the friends of humanity.
I am
very respectfully
Your Obt Sert
Augustus Wynkoop
One enclosure
Geo W Lewis
Blad. Bay.
Jacob Hoffman Esquire
Negroe William
Geo: W. Lewis
E Lee