William v. George W. Lewis. Indenture of William

This Indenture made the fourth day of November one Thousand eight hundred and eleven Between Thomas Butler and Augustus Wynkoop of City of New York whereas the said Thomas Butler In and for the Consideration sum of Eighty five Dollars Current money of the State aforesaid hath sold unto the said Augustus Wynkoop a Negro Boy Named William about seven years old and Is to serve till he is Twenty eight years old which Negro boy I the said Thomas Butler my heirs and assings do warrent and for ever Defend the sd. Augustus Wynkoop his heirs executors and assigns In peaceable possession of the sd. negro boy to have and to hold to him and his heirs during the above sd term till said negro boy arrives to the age of Twenty eight years and I the said Thomas Butler do Declare that I am the lawful owner of sd negro boy and at this time full power and laful authority to dispose of and sell the same negroe boy In Witness hereof I have here unto set my hand and Seal the Day and Year first above Written
Thos Butler
Signed Sealed and Delivered In the presence of
N. B. The Word "is" interlined above the 10th line before signing W. Barber
Adm.[?] Wynkoop

I do hereby assign all my right title and interest to the within mentioned negro boy William for the term and on the conditions he was to serve me to Doctor George W Lewis.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 28th day of May 1816
Augustus Wynkoop
In presence of David Cargill
Thomas Butler
Bill of Sale for William Novr. 4th 1811
Born 25th Decr. 1804 will be Free 25 Decr. 1832
(Born Decr 25th 1804 to serve until 25th Decr. 1832)