William v. George W. Lewis. Petition for Freedom

To the Honorable the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia for the County of Alexandria
The petition of William a negro boy under the age of twenty one by Jacob Hoffman his next friend, respectfully states he was born in the state of New York since the 4th of July 1799. That by the laws of that state all persons of Colour born after that date aforesaid are free but bound to serve as a servant of the owner of the mother in the same manner as if bound to service untill the age of twenty eight years. That his mother belonged to Thomas Buttler of New York & your petitioner was born the servant of the said Thomas Butler who sold the him for a the term of years to a certain Augustus Wynkoop, who sold his interest in the service of your petitioner to a certain
George W: Lewis. Who hath removed your petitioner from New York claiming him as a slave for life and had brought him on to Alexandria with the aim of selling him to some person who is in the practice of buying slaves to take to the South for sale. That he was first taken to the City of Washington in this District & there offered for sale
Your petitioner states that he is unlawfully claimed as a slave by the said George W: Lewis. He therefore prays your honors to allow him to institute a suit in this court for his freedom. against the said George W: Lewis.

I Edmund J Lee do hereby certify that the facts set form in the petition of negro William can be substituted and that he is in my opinion entitled to his freedom.
Edm: J Lee
Negro William
George W: Lewis
Edmund J Lee is appointd Counsel to prosecute his case for to the plaintiff & [illegible] is given to bring a suit in forma pauperis agt George W. Lewis for his freedom. and it is ordered that pr process be
issued against the said G. W. Lewis to appear and answer the complaint, and in the mean time that the said Negro William be in custody of the Marshall, until the said G. W. Lewis shall give bond with security in the penalty 800 Dollars with the clerk of this Court to have the said Negro William forthcoming to answer the judgment of the Court, and untill the said G. W. Lewis shall
By order give bonds and security as aforesaid it is order'd that the marshall hire the said negro for the best price that can be got for him, to some reputable person resident in this county, and render to this Court an account of the money which he may be received for his wages.
By order

Negro William
Geo: W: Lewis
Nov Term. 14th day
E. J. Lee assd. Counsel to Plt. & leave given to bring a suit in forma pauperis & ord. that Process issue to asr. the Complaint, & in the meantime that the sd. Negro William be in custody of the Marshal until the sd. G. W. L. shall give bond & secy in the Penalty of $800. with the Clerk of this Court to have the sd. Negro william forthcoming to ansr. the Judt. of the Ct. & until the sd. G. W. L. shall give Bond & Secy. as afd. ordered, that the Marshal hire the said Negro for the best price that can be got for him to some reputable person resident in this County, & render to this Court an Account of the Money which may be received for his wages.
1818. April Term 9th. day ordered to be retd. to the rules for further proceedings
March abates by plffs death