Maria v. William Meade. Summons of William Meade

District of Columbia----To wit:
The United States of America,
To the Marshal of the District of Columbia—Greeting:
We command you that you take William Mead if he be found within the County of Alexandria, in your said District, and him safely keep, so that you have his body before the Honorable the Judges of the United States' Circuit Court of the District of Columbia, at the Court-house in the Town of Alexandria, at the next Court, to answer Negro Maria (who sues in forma pauperis for her freedom) of a Plea of Trespass Assault & Battery and False Imprisonment Damage One hundred Dollars
And have then there this Writ.—Witness the Honorable William Cranch, Chief Judge of our said Court, this 28th day of February 1817
G. Deneale Cc

Negroe Maria "a pauper"
William Meade
& W. Caps
DMinor DM
for W Boyd Marshal
On the petition of Negroe Maria setting forth that she is illegally detained in Slavery by William Meade It is ordered that Thomson F. Mason be assigned her as Counsel to report a statement of the facts of the case, which being filed leave is granted her to commence a suit in forma pauperis for her freedom; and it is ordered that she be committed to the custody of the Marshal until the said William Meade shall give Bond and Security as the law directs conditioned to have the said pauper forthcoming to answer the Judgment of the Court