Milly v. Matthew Eakin. Affidavit of Frederick Koones
Agreeably to Summons, personally appeared before me a Justice of Peace for said County Frederick Koones, who made Oath That he is well acquainted with Negroe Milly, and that she is held as a slave by Mathew Eakin in this Town, that she has been held here about Four years this deponant further saith that he always understood she was brought from Maryland, and that she was made a present of to Bryan Hamson or his child by some of their Friends, and by him sold to said Eakin. Given under my hand this 30th day of November 1805
A Faw
Negro Milly
Nathew Eakin
1805. Novr. Term, Petition presented, aff. satisfactory & Edmd. J. Lee, assigned as Counsel & ord: to report a Statement of facts before process Issues. Statement of facts reported & leave granted to commence a suit in forma pauperis and ord: that the deft give Security in the sum of $300 to have the plf. forthcomg. to ansr. the Jud: of the Court.
1808. January Contd
February Contd.
March Contd.
April Contd.
May Contd.
August Dismd.
E Lee