Daniel v. Ann Kincheloe. Petition for Freedom
The Petition of Negro Daniel humbly sheweth[?]
That your Petitioner is entitled by law to his freedom & is unjustly held in bondage by a certain Ballard who hath lately purchased him from a certain John C. Kinchelo of Virginia. Wherefore your Petitioner prays to be released from the custody & possession of said Ballard, & sbpa may be issued, directed to him commanding him to appear & answer to this petition & that your Petitioner may have such relief in the premisses as to your Honors may seem just.
Key & Dunlop for Petr:
Jany 12, 1822.
Appearances Aprl 1822
Negro Daniel
Rice C. Ballard
petn for freedom.
Mr Brent-
File this & issue sbpa as prayed, & give Petr: a certificate of the filing & pendency of this petition, for his protection.
Key & Dunlop.
12 Jany 1822.