Betsy v. George McCandless. Petition for Freedom


To the Honble the Judges of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia for the County of Washington.

The Petition of Negro Betsy humbly sheweth that she is entitled to her freedom & is unjustly held in bondage by George McCandless who she prays may be made a Deft. hereto.

Wherefore she prays subpoena to be issued in the usual form, commanding him to appear & answer hereunto & that she may be released from his possession & custody according to law.

Key & Dunlop
for Petr.



Negro Betsy
Geo McCandless

Mr Brent
File it & issue sbpa as prayed. Also certificate of protection for Petr.
K. & D.

filed 23d Apl. 1827

Monicai Joy near Mrs. Chandlers