Amelia Ward v. Elias B. Caldwell. Petition for Freedom

To the Honble the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia for Washington County
The Petition of Amelia otherwise called Ammy of Washington County humbly sheweth that your Petitioner is entitled to her freedom & is held in bondage as a slave for life by Elias B. Caldwell contrary to law, wherefore she prays a sbpa to the said Defendant directed that he may appear & answer hereunto & that your Petitioner may obtain her freedom & such relief in the premisses as she is entitled to by law.
Key & Dunlop for Petr.

954 580
E. B. Caldwell
Mr Brent
File it.
K. & D.
fd Octo 21. 1822
Mr Brent
Docket this case at the end of the Appearance Docket, & put it on the trial Docket of next term, as directed[?] by Court
FS Key for Petr.
E. B. Caldwell
Octr 21. 1822.