Charlotte v. Lloyd Pumphrey. Petition for Freedom

To the Honble the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia for the County of Washington
The Petition of Charlotte the infant child of Leanna humbly sheweth that your Petitioner was brought from the State of Virginia and sold in this County and District, together with her mother by a certain Lloyd Pumphrey to a certain John Pumphrey who now holds and claims your Petitioner as slave and Your petitioner state that the aforesaid importation and also the aforesaid Sale, were contrary to law and entitle Your Petitioner to her freedom. Whereupon your petitioner state that she is unjustly and unlawfully held in bondage, and pray that subpoena may be issued to the said John Pumphrey directed commanding him to appear and answer hereunto and that Your Petitioner may be discharged and obtain such other relief as to Your
Honors shall seem right.
Key & Dunlop for Petrs.

Negro Charlotte
John Pumphrey
Filed 10th Novr. 1822