Mary Ann Bond et al. v. Thomas C. Magruder. Will of Thomas Boothe

In the name of God.
I Thomas Boothe, of the City of Washington and District of Columbia, being in a feeble state of bodily health; but of sound mind and memory, and being sensible of the uncertainty of human life, have deemed it proper to make and declare, this, as my last will and Testament. Item. First, It is my will and desire, that after my death, all my just debts, including the necessary funeral expenses, shall be paid, out of any money or personal property I may leave.
Item. Second It is further my will and desire, that my beloved wife, Ann Boothe, in the event of her surviving me, should possess and enjoy, all my property, real and personal, during her single life. And for her greater convenience, and ampleness of right and possession, and enjoyment of the same, I do further constitute her, the said Ann Boothe, my sole Executrix.
And I do hereby revoke and declare void, any other, or former wills, which I may have made, which is contrary to the foregoing. as given under my hand and seal, this Sixteenth day of April, In the year of our Lord, One Thousand Eight Hundred and forty three.
Thomas Boothe (seal)
Signed in the presents of Igns. Mudd.
Wm C. Bamberger.
Sophia Rumpff.
District of Columbia, Washington County, towit:
Orphans Court,
May 2. 1846.
This day appeared, Ignatius Mudd, William C. Bamberger & Sophia Rumpff the three Subscribing witnesses, to the aforegoing last will & Testament of Thomas Boothe, late of Washington County, aforesaid,
deceased, & severally made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, that they did see the Testator therein named, sign & seal this Will: That He published, pronounced & declared the same to be his last will & Testament, that at the time of so doing he was to the best of their apprehensions of sound & disposing mind, memory & understanding. And that they respectively subscribed their names as witnesses to this Will; in the presence & at the request of the Testator, & in the presence of each other.
At the same time appeared, Ann Boothe the Executrix therein named, & made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, that the within instrument of writing is the true, and whole will & testament of Thomas Boothe deceased, that hath come to his hands or possession, and that she doth not know of any other.
Sworn Before,
Ed. N. Roach Reg. Wills.
District of Columbia,
Washington County, towit:
I certify, that the aforegoing is a true copy from the original, filed and recorded in the Office of the Register of Wills, for Washington County, aforesaid.
Witness, my hand and seal of Office, this 21st day of February, Anno Domini, 1853.
Ed. N. Roach Reg. Wills.

The Will of Thomas Boothe.