Ellen Johnson v. Morris Adler and Rachel Johnson v. Morris Adler. Verdict


To the Honbl
The Judges of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia

We the Jurors in the case of the Ellen Johnson & children vs. Morris Adler admr of Thos Turner, respectfully represent to Your honors, that we have been in the Jury room nineteen hours

We stand now just as we did when we came to the room, and there is not the slightest probability of our ever agreeing. One of our fellow Jurors has been sick all night and is quite unwell this morning. Under these circumstances we would most respectfully ask your honors to discharge us.

On behalf of the Jury
A. W. Miller

Jury Room
December 14, 1849

I consent to the Jury being discharged
Jno Marbury for deft
Dec 14
1/2 past 1 Ock

I agree if Mr Carlisle will, and if he is absent, this will do
Jos. H. Bradley

I called at Mr. Carlisle's office and that he has gone to the Country
W. H. Barnacle


Dec. 14. 1849.

Ellen Johnston
Turner's Admr.

W. Cr sat alone.
refused therefore to discharge the Jury

Jurors cant agree