Milford Foote v. John B. Armistead. Petition for Freedom

To the Honble the Judges of the Circuit court of the United States for the district of Columbia & county of Washington
The petition of Milford Foote respectfully sheweth That your petitioner is held in bondage & claimed by John B. Armistead as a slave, tho' your petitioner is justly entitled to his freedom in consequence of his having been illegally imported into & sold within the district of Columbia. Your petitioner therefor prays that your honors will take his case into consideration & that a subpoena may issue commanding the said John B to appear &c: & grant him such further & other process & relief as to your Honors may seen meet & his case may require And as in duty bound he will ever pray &c:
John Law
for Petr.

198 456 151. 31. 50 32. 16. 14. 4 27 7 6 10. 3. 12
Milford Foote
John B Armistead
Mr. Brent will please to file this petition & issue subpoena
J Law.
filed 6th Mar 1817.