James Burk v. Coleman Lewis. Petition for Freedom

To the Honourable the Judges of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia for the County of Washington The Petition of James Burk a man of colour, humbly sheweth that your Petitioner is justly & lawfully entitled to freedom, and is nevertheless unjustly held in bondage as a slave by one Coleman Lewis: and your Petitioner Therefore prays that your Honors will order the United States Writ of Subpoena to be issued, to the said Coleman Lewis directed, commanding him to appear at the next session of the said Court and answer to your Petitioner in the premises. & that your honors will grant him such other relief in the premise as the nature of his case may require & your honors may deem just & right And yr. Petr. &c
F. S. Key for Petr.

James Burk
Coleman Lewis
Mr. Brent
Please file it, issue subpoena & give the Petr. a certificate
F. S. Key
Filed 21. Jany. 1815.