Patt v. Gerard T. Greenfield & Thomas Greenfield. Summons of Gerard T. Greenfield & Thomas Greenfield

District of Columbia
Washington County towit
The United States of America To the Marshal of the District of Columbia Greeting. You are hereby commanded to summon Thomas Greenfield and Gerard Greenfield late of Washington County Yeomen[?] that all excuses and delays set aside they be and appear before the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia to be held for the County of Washington at the City of Washington on the fourth Monday of December Instant to answer the Petition of negress Patty and of Negress Hannah an Infant under the age of twenty one years by her mother and next friend, Patty and negress Patty an infant under the age of twenty one years by her next friend, preferred against them for freedom. Hereof they are not to fail, and fail not at your peril. And have you then and there this writ. Witness William Cranch Esquire Chief Judge of the said Court the eighth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nine.
Issued the seventh day of December 1809.
Wm Brent Cl

Negress Patty for herself Negress Hannah & Patty her children
Thomas Greenfield & Gerard Greenfield
for freedom
Sumd both 9 Decr
Washington Boyd Marshal