Thomas Butler v. Gabriel Duvall. Interrogatories

Tom Butler & Sarah his wife & others
Gabriel Duvall
Petitioner for Freedom.
Circuit Court.
District of Columbia.
[torn page] Interrogatories on the part of the defendant.
[torn page] you know the parties, petitioners and defendant and [torn page] long have you known them?
[torn page] you know John Dells, who formerly owned Tom & his [torn page], as slaves, and did you know him when he lived in Montgomery County, and afterwards in George Town, and how long did he live in George Town, and when, and had he Tom & Sarah with him as slaves?
3. Do you know that he brought Tom & Sarah with him when he removed from Montgomery County to George Town?
4. Do you know how long, & in what year Dells lived in George Town, and what was his occupation?
5. Did you know him when he was a tenant to Mrs. Thompson, when he lived with one Flout, and with christian Getzendanner, and was he ever your tenant, and in what years: did you know him when he lived with William Duvall
[torn page]
capacity of a partner, or clerk?
6. Do you know that Dells owned Tom & Sarah [torn page] during the time aforesaid, and did he hire them [torn page] work them in Montgomery County and George [torn page] do you when he sold them to the defendant?
7. If you have any further knowledge of the subj[torn page] to the defendant, relate it fully.
G. Duvall [torn page]
1 Do Interogatories upon part of Plaintiffs [torn page]
1 Do you known that said Dells moved to the state of Virginia and took with him said Tom & Sarah his wife & when he moved
2d Do you know (if said Dells moved to Virginia) whether it was while he was a resident of said state that he sold said Thomas & Sarah to Gabriel Duvall
3d Do you know when the sale took place &
[torn page]