Thomas Butler v. Gabriel Duvall. Benjamin Gowen to William Brent


Moorefield April 17. 1830

Dr. Sir,

To insure the safe arrival of the Enclosed at the place where wanted in time, I have taken the liberty of directing to you, without such instructions for Hon. G. Duvall. Hearing there might be some delay in the [torn page] to the office nearer his residence and the time being near at hand when it will be needed[?].

Yours Respectfully
Benjnm S. Gowen[?]

Clk. of Circuit Court D. C.



22d Apl

Thomas Butler & Sarah his wife and others
Gabriel Duvall

Petition for Freedom
Circuit Court
District of Columbia

The deposition of Matthew Kennedy

To the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia
Washington City
District of Columbia

or to the Hon. Gabriel Duvall of the same place