Moses Graham v. Richard B. Alexander. Will of Elizabeth Brown

I, Elizabeth Brown of the County of Alexandria, do make this my last will and Testament in manner following, hereby revoking all former wills by me made.
First. Whereas I have heretofore sold to my sister Alexander, a negro woman called Milly, and her two children Ann & Rachael, since which time the said Milly has had two other children Jenny & Christy. And whereas the term for which the said Milly was sold has expired, and her said children are bound to serve 'til they shall have attained the age of thirty one years respectively, now it is my will and desire that the time of the said four children of Milly shall be purchased by my Executor and that they shall be forthwith emancipated by him. And I do hereby authorized him to make such purchase out of the Estate I shall leave. But as the amount for which I sold the said Milly and her two children has never been paid to me it is my desire that that debt shall be applied if practicable towards the said purchase.
Secondly. I devise to my niece Frances Swann widow of William T. Swann deceased, my blanket and sheets, and my star set pin for the hair, and one thick silk.
Thirdly. The residue of my best cloaths I devise to my niece Elizabeth Magruder.
Fourthly. My watch and the rest of my jewelry except the said set pin I devise to my niece Elizabeth Tyler.
Fifthly. I devise my beds & pillows to my nephew William B. Alexander.
Sixthly. I devise my old set of drawers to
and looking-glass to my sister Sarah Tyler widow of Charles Tyler.
Seventhly. I direct my common cloathes to be given to the following servants who have attended on me, that is to say: Jenny, Milly and Ann, living with Mrs Frances Swann and Milly, Venus, and Lucinda living at Preston.
Eightly. I devise the residue of my estate of every description to my nieces Elizabeth Magruder, Elizabeth Tyler, and Mary Swann (daughter of Mrs Frances Swann.)
Ninthly. I constitute and appoint my nephew Richard B. Tyler Executor of this my will. In witness whereof I have hereto set my hand this seventh day of June 1825.
Elizabeth Brown.
Signed and published by the Testatrix as her last will and testament in our presence who in her presence and at her request have hereto set our names in attestation thereof.
R. I. Taylor.
Thos. Semmes.
At a session of the Orphans Court for the County of Alexandria, in the district of Columbia the 5th day of September 1825 this last will and testament of Elizabeth Brown deceased was proved by the oaths of R. I. Taylor and Thomas Semmes witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded. And on the same day letters testamentary were granted to Richard B. Tyler, the Executor named
[incomplete document]
Regr. Wills.
Copy attest A Moore Reg. Wills

Moses Graham
Copy of Miss Elizabeth Brown's Will