Jack Rhodes v. William Glover. Petition for Freedom

To the Honble the Judges of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia for the County of Washington
The Petition of Jack Rhodes by Kitty Green his mother & next friend humbly sheweth that he is entitled to his freedom being born of a free woman, and is unjustly claimed as a slave for a limited period or as a bound apprentice, he knows not which, by a certain William Glover. He desires the right of said Glover to hold or claim your Petitioner & prays to be released thereupon & to be established in his right to freedom & such other relief as to your Honors may seem right & according to law.
FSKey for Petr.

240. 334. 199. 213. 316. 249. 144.
Jack Rhodes
Wm Glover
Mr Brent,
File this & issue sbpa retble immediately & give the Petr a certe for his protection.
Filed 18 June 1836.
Filed 20 Sept 1836.