Ellen Trunnell & Milly Ross et al. v. Henry B. Robertson & Daniel Keene. Will of John Marshall

I John Marshal of the County of Loudoun do hereby make my last will and testament in the manner and form following. That is to say, 1st I desire that all my negroes to be set free, and sent to Liberia, by my Executors, hereafter named, all the balance of my estate to be sold, land and so forth, to be sold & equally divided amongst my negroes, and if there should be any money besides, that shall be divided amongst my negroes, after my decease. And lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint my friends Richard H Henderson and Charles Lewis, Executors of this my last will and Testament hereby revoking all other or former Wills or testaments by me heretofore made In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this first day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty
John Marshall (seal)
Signed sealed, and acknowledged in the presence
Gustavus A Moran
At a Court held for Loudoun County 8th day of June 1840.
A paper writing purporting to be the last Will & Testament of John Marshall decd was produced to the Court by Richard H Henderson but it appearing to the Court, that the said paper is attested by one witness only, the Court refuses to admit the same to probate But directs the clerk to file and preserve the same, whereupon on the motion of David Keene, one of the distributes of said decedent It is ordered That William Carr sheriff of this County more than ninety days having expired since the death of said decedent. It is ordered that William Carr sheriff of this County take the estate of said decedent, into his possession, and administer the same according to Law. John J Coleman, John C Tippett, Benjamin Bridges, Washington Hummer and Joseph Blincoe or any three appraisers
A Copy Teste Chs G Estridge clk
Virginia Loudoun County to wit
I Charles G Estridge Clerk of the County Court of Loudoun in the State of Virginia do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true transcript from the records of the said Court.
In testimony whereof I hereto set my hand and annex the seal of the said Court this 4th day of November 1843 and in the 68th year of the Commonwealth
Chs. G. Estridge clk

Virginia Loudoun County to wit
I Ariss Buckner presiding Justice of the County of Loudoun in the State of Virginia do certify that Charles G Estridge who hath given the preceding certifide[?], is Clerk of the said Court, and that his said Attestation is in due form. Given under my hand this sixth day of November 1843
Ariss Buckner