Amelia Marshal v. John Gant & William Henry Gant. Petition for Freedom

To the Honble the Judges of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia for the County of Washington
The petition of Amelia Marshall alias Milly Marshal (coloured woman) humbly represents that she is a coloured woman and is as she believes entitled to her freedom. That she is now held in bondage a state of slavery by John Gant & William Henry Gant both of whom your petitioner prays may be summoned as defendants in this suit & required to enter security not to remove your petitioner out of this district until the usual security be given that such removal shall not be made until the decision of your honorable court upon this petition and as in duty bound your petitioner will every pray &c
For Pettioner
Robert Beale
G. L. Giberson
District of Columbia
Washington County ss
Personally appears before me the subscriber a Justice of the Peace in & for the county aforesaid the above named Amelia alias Milly Marshall & makes oath upon the Holy Evangely of Almighty God that the facts stated in the above petition are just & true to the best of her Knowledge & belief.
Sworn before me
Jeremiah Elkins J. P.
June 7. 1833

Amelia Marshall alias Milly Marshall
John Gant & Wm Henry Gant
Peto for freedom
Filed 10th June 1833.