Violet v. Henry W. Ball. Summons of Henry W. Ball


District of Columbia to wit

The United States of America to the Marshal of the District of Columbia greeting

You are hereby commanded to summon Henry W. Ball, then & all excuses and delays set aside, he be and appear before the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia to sit at the City of Washington, for the County of Washington, on the first Monday of June next, to answer the petition for freedom filed in the said Court against him by negro Violet on behalf of herself and her infant children, Chloe and Winney. Hereof fail not, and make then and there return of this writ.

Witness the hon Wm Cranch chief Judge of the said Court Court, the 31st March 1813

Wm Brent clk

Issued the 14th day of May 1813

F. S. Key