Mary Butler v. Adam Craig. Depositions filed in William Lazarus Butler v. William Knott
Wm Lazarus Butler
Wm Knott
Petition for Liberty
May Term 1786
The Deposition of Ann Hodskin of Montgomery County aged forty two years or thereabout deposeth and being first sworn on the Holy Evangels of almighty God deposeth and saith that her second[?] Husband Leonard Watkin of Saint Mary's County agreed with Richard Boarman for the Purchase of the Petitioner William Lazarus Butler as his Sister Mary Butler some Time in the year seventeen hundred and sixty eight and afterwards gave up the said Petitioner to the said Richard Boarman and sold the said Mary to James Kerrick of Charles County. This Deponent further saith that which she lived Saint Mary's she hath frequently heard it said by the neighbours always understood that the said Petitioner and his sister Mary were the Children of William Butler and Mary Butler, who formerly petitioned for the Liberty, and the Deponent also saith she lived within the Distance of four Miles from the said Richard Boarman.
and further saith not.
Sworn to in open Court 27th May 1786
Test Thos B. Hodgkin Cl
No 1
filed 27th May 1786
William Lazarus Butler
William Knott
The Deposition of Jno Hooper Broom of Saint Mary's County aged fifty three years or t hereabout being first sworn on the Holy Evangels of almighty God deposeth and saith that he always understood that the Petitioner William Lazarus Butler and Nan Butler were the Children of William and Mary, who petitioned against Richard Boarman for their Liberty, & [strikethrough] that he had known the petitioner upwards of twenty five years, that this Deponent had a quarter within half a mile of Richard Boarman's [strikethrough] that this Deponent thinks the Petitioner and the said Nan resemble the said William and Mary as much as most Children do their Parents.
Sworn to in open Court 29th of May 1786
The Deposition of Joseph Thomson of Saint Mary's County aged fifty one years or thereabout being first sworn on the Holy Evangels of almighty God deposeth and saith that he [illegible] Richard Boarman upwards of twenty years ago or thereabout that he knew Will and Moll who petitioned against Richard Boarman for their Liberty as he has heard and he also knew the Petitioner William Lazarus and Nan who were always called the Children of Will and Moll. and further saith not.
Sworn to in open Court 29 May 1786