Stephen Butler v. Charles Carroll. Petition for Freedom


To the Honorable Judges of the General Court for the Western Shore of Maryland

The Humble petition of Stephen Butler sheweth, that your petitioner is the descendant of a free white woman and as such is entitled to his liberty and all the rights of a free man; that your petitioner has been most unjustly and wrongfully deprived of his liberty and is now held in slavery by Charles Carroll of Montgomery County; your Petitioner therefore most humbly prays that your honors will take his case into consideration and grant him such relief as he is by Law and Justice entitled to and that your honors will order a summons to issue to the said Charles Carroll to be an appear before this Honorable Court by a certain day to be therein mentioned to answer the premises, and your petitioner as in duty bound will pray & so forth

J. T. Chase for Pet.


Stephen Butler
Charles Carroll

Petition for Freedom

May 1789

Octo 1791.

Filed 21st of Nov: 1788

Depos Jane Butler v P H Miles at May Term 1790

Octo 1790. Sumd App: by JTM
May 1791. App & cont: Octo 1791 GD & FB[?] app
Depo filed. Judgt that petr be free with costs
Costs 5764 Tob

Entd JG No B folio 13.