Richard Booth v. David Weems. Writ of Certiorari

The State of Maryland Sct To the Honorable the Judges of the General Court Greeting
Whereas we have lately by the complaint of Richard Booth understood that in the record and proceedings and also in the rendition of Judgment on a petition for freedom which was in our court before you by our writ between the said Richard Booth plaintiff and David Weems Defendant, a manifest Error hath happened to the great damage of him the said Richard Booth and we have caused those record and proceedings to be bought before us to correct such error, and the said Richard Booth appearing in Court before us hath said that the record aforesaid before us sent is diminished and the same not yet fully certified to us, for this "that the will of Richard Harrison which was read in evidence in this cause in the General Court has not been sent up in the record transmitted to the Court of Appeals, and the same Richard Booth hath prayed our writ to be directed to you to certify more fully the truth thereof and it was granted him therefore we command you, that you search the records remaining in your custody and if it be so then the record of the proceedings aforesaid between the parties aforesaid in the petition aforesaid undiminished to us without delay you certify together with this writ
Witness the Honorable Benjamin Rumsey Esquire Chief Judge of the High Court of Appeals this 12th day of November Anno Domini 1793.
Thomas D Merrick Cl Ct Ap
Issued 9th May 1794
(Wm Pinkney)