Charles Mahoney v. John Ashton. Deposition of John Lambeth


Charles Mahony
John Ashton

Petition for freedom in the Genl Court.

The Deposition of John Lambeth aged about fifty five years being first duly sworn on the Holy Evangels of almighty God deposeth & saith

That he the Deponent is the Son of Rachel Ratcliff Deceased. That he the Deponent knows Eben Paramore

Being asked if his Mother ever washed or did any other work for the said Paramore?

Answers he is quite certain she never did and that she never saw the said Paramore or had any acquaintance with him. This Deponent further saith that his Mother lived with his Sister Sarah Ratcliff for many years before his said Mothers Death and that for fifteen or sixteen years before she died she was incapable of washing or doing her own work which was done by the Deponents Sister Sarah Ratcliff. The Deponent further saith that he has never heard of the said Paramores being at the House of the said Sarah and is very sure he never was there as the Deponent lives within two or three hundred yards of his Sisters House and should probably have heard of it if the fact had been so.

The Deponent further saith his Mother lived in blue Shirt Neck near Pigg Point about forty years

Being asked what was the general Character of the said Eben Paramore in the neighbourhood where the Deponent lives? Answers that it is a very bad one.

Sworn before Thos Tongue
July 21st 1797

This deposition if the deponent is unable to attend court, as admitted to be read in evidence in the petitions for freedom depending in the General Court, when the petitioners claim their freedom as being descended from Ann Joyce

Jno Johnson for petitioners
John T Mason for Defts


3 1/2 sides

Jno Lambeth
(Rachel Ratcliffe. Contradicts Eben Parramore)

No 22

filed 12 Octo 1797