Charles Mahoney v. John Ashton. Deposition of John Lambeth

Qs Did yr Mother Ra Ratlief the person alluded to in the Deposn of Eben Paramore respectg the Freedm of some Negs belongg to the Revd Mr Jno Ashton & others ever wash the Linen or do any kind of work for the sd Paramore
Ans My Mother never did Wash or do any Kind of Work for Eben Paramore
Qs Was yr Mother Racl Ratlief acquaintd or did she ever see the sd Eben Paramore
Ans Eben Paramore never was at my sisters Sarah Ratliefs with whom If my Mother Lived tht I know of. I lived within within Two or Three Hundred Yards of my Said Sister & must have known if the sd Paramore was ever there
Qs What Length of time do you Immagine yr Mother Ra Ratlief Live in Blue Shirt Neck [strikethrough]
Ans My Mother Rachel Ratlief Lived in Blue Shirt Neck abt Forty Years
Qs How long a time do you apprehend yr Mother was too Infirm & Incapable of Washing or doing any Laborious Work before her death

Ansr My Mother was too Infirm & Unable to do any Kind of Laborious Work for Fifteen or Sixteen years I apprehd before she Died
Qs Do you Know as you lived within two or Three Hundred Yards of your Mother to the time of her Death whether the sd Eben Paramore ever vistd or Frequentd the House of hr Sistr Sarah Ratlief with whom yr Mother Lived
Ans The sd Eben Paramore never was at my Sister Sarah Ratliefs with whom my Mother Lived to my Knowledge & I am convincd he never was at my sd Sisters
Questn Pray wht Character does The sd Eben Paramore Bear
Ans I believe a Bad One
Qs Why do you think he Bears a Bad Character
Ans Because he once Stole Shott from the Store of Jos Macceney & was [strikethrough] Detected by Banja Carr Store Keeper to the said
Jos Macceney who Threatened the said Eben Paramore to have him Whipped I was Prest at the time this Theft was Commited & see the sd Paramore Picking up the Shott he had stolen
which apart of which Dropd on the Floor as he attempted to Conceal it in his Pockett

AA County June 10 1796 John Lambath aged abt Fifty five years came before me the subscriber & made oath [strikethrough] that the Defts Answers he has made to the Defts Interogt are to the best of his Knowledge in every respect Just & True.
Thos Tongue
4 1/2 sides
John Lambeth (Eben Paramore [?]
No 15