Christiana Dunbar v. Richard B. Alexander. Order
The Court having given judgt [strikethrough] an being of opinion in this case the on the petition of the Pltf that on the special verdict that the Petr: is entitled to his freedom at the age of 31 years of age, which from the finding of the Jury will be on the 25 day of December AD 1844, it is thereupon ordered by the Court that the Deft entered into a Recognizance with Surety shall be entitled to take possession of the Petitioner upon his filing a bond with sufficient security to be approved & filed by the Clerk of this Court in the amount penalty of 1000.$ for the safe keeping of the Petr in the District, & that he shall not be removed therefrom prior to the said day. Conditioned for the forthcoming & appearance of the Petitioner in this Court on the said 26th day of December AD 1844.
By order of the Court
Jany 13 1840
April 3d 1840
Order of the Court that Alexander give Bond for forthcoming of the Petr.
rescinded see order of 18th Apl. 1840
Christiana Dunbar
Rd B. Alexander
Oct. Cont
Dec Nov: Nar filed & Cont[?]
Dec: Com[?] order Confd[?] & W. Iy
1843 October Term 16 day
1844 May Term 6 day
1844 October Term 32d day
1845 May Term 14 day
October Term 12 day
1846. May T. 4 day
Contd to be tried at next term per assignment
Octo: Term 3d day
1847. June Term 2d day.
Nov. T. 3 day.
1848. June T. 1 day.
Nov T. 1 day.
1849 Nov: Term 1s day
1850. June T. 4 day
Not guilty pleaded & genl rep: & writ of Iy: is set aside & otd.[?]
November Term 6 day
1851 June Term 3d day
Judgment conferred that plf is a free woman without costs