Rachel Graham v. Frances Swann. Summons of Frances Swann


District of Columbia, to wit:

The United States of America,
to the Marshal of the District of Columbia, Greeting:

We command you that you take Frances Swann if she be found within the County of Alexandria, in your said District, and her safely keep, so that you have her body before the honorable the Judges of the United States' Circuit Court of the District of Columbia for the County of Alexandria, at the court-house in the town of Alexandria, at the next court, to answer Negro Rachel otherwise called Rachel Graham of a plea of Trespass vi et armis & false imprisonment Damage one hundred dollars and have then there this writ. Witness, the honorable William Cranch, Chief Judge of the said Court, this 18' day of November 1840

Cassius F Lee C.C.



Negro Rachel
Frances Swann



for freedom

We do hereby Acknowledge [strikethrough] the Service of the Within Writ.
Edw: Swann
Frances Swann


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