Rachel Graham v. Frances Swann. Complaint

District of Columbia
Alexandria County Towit.
Rachel Graham complains of Frances Swann in custody &c of a plea of trespass and false imprisonment. for this, to wit. That the said Defendant on the day of 1840 in the County aforesaid, with force and arms, made an assault upon the said plaintiff and then and there did beat wound and ill treat her the said plaintiff. and her the said plaintiff did then and there falsely and unlawfully imprison. and of her the said plaintiff's freedom and lawful liberty did then and there falsely and unlawfully deprive the said plaintiff, and other injuries to her the said plaintiff then and there did, against the peace of the United States and to the damage of the plff one hundred dollars; and therefore she sues.
Jones & Semmes. p.q.
J Doe & R Roe Pledges &c.

Rachel Graham
Frances Swann
Narr. for Freedom.