Julia Roberts v. Austin L. Adams & Ann C. Harding. Transcript

District of Columbia, to wit
Pleas before the Hon: the Judges of the United States' Circuit Court of the District of Columbia for the County of Alexandria, at the Court House in the town of Alexa the 19 day of May 1842.
Julia Roberts, Plaintiff
Austin L. Adams & Ann C. Harding Defts.
In Chancery
Be it remembered that heretofore to wit: at a Court continued & held for the District & County aforesaid the 13' day of May 1840, came the plaintiff aforesaid and filed her petition, alledging &c (see M Book p: 319). Which petition & report are as follows: (here copy the petition & the report of council).
Whereupon a capias a respondendum issued as follows: District of Columbia to wit &c (here copy writ)
At another day to wit: at a Court Continued and held for the District & County aforesaid the 7' day of June 1841, came the plaintiff aforesaid by her said attorneys, and the defendants by Chr. Neale Esq: their attorney, and the plaintiff filed her declaration agst the said defts, as follows: (here copy declaration)
And by consent of parties this case is now placed upon the trial docket of the Court, and the defendants by Chris Neale Esq their Attorney comes & defends the wrong & injury when &c & say that say that they are not guilty of the Trespass & false imprisonment as the plaintiff against them has complained, & on this they put themselves upon the County & the plaintiff likewise, & the trial of the issue is differed until the next term.

At another day to wit: at a Court Continued & held for the District & County aforesaid the day of October 1841, came the parties by their Attorneys and this case is continued.
And at a Court continued & held for the District & County aforesaid the 18' day of May 1842, came the parties aforesaid by their attorneys, and thereupon came a Jury to wit John Adam, Presley Jacobs, James Vansant, John Muir, John Major, William Veitch, Lemuel Stansberry, Joseph H. Miller, John Shackleford, Thomas E. Beard, David S. Prellyman & Nehemiah Hicks, who being sworn & affirmed well truly to try the issue joined, & a true verdict to give according to the evidence, after hearing the testimony in the cause by consent of parties, & with the assent of the Court, are continued until tomorrow.
And now here at this day to wit: at a Court continued & held for the County of Alexa the aforesaid 19' day of May 1842 came the parties aforesaid by their Attorneys, and the Jury sworn & assd to try the issue in this case appeared in Court, pursuant to their adjoinment, and returned the following verdict "We of the Jury find for the Petitioner" Therefore it is considered by the Court &c
The defts tendered two Bills of Exceptions, which were signed, sealed & enrolled.
1' Bill of Exceptions
2d do 2d do

Julia Roberts
Adams & Harding
for freedom