Julia Roberts v. Austin L. Adams & Ann C. Harding. Defendants' Notes of Evidence

A. Evidence referred to in 1st prayer.
For the Petitioner.
1 Witness - Mr. Harrison - who testified - that he knew the Petitioner, when she lived with Wesley Adams - heard Wesley Adams, frequently speak of Sarah, the Mother of the Petitioner, as being free - offered to sell witness the Petitioner, and did sell her, to a Mr. Crump, and that the Petitioner, was, or would to be free, under the deed of Emancipation from Simon Somers, when she arrived at a certain age - That the Petitioner is now, more than twenty five years of age; - and that Wesley Adams married the daughter of Simon Somers, as he understood.
2 - Mr. Ball - Wesley Adams married the daughter of Simon Somers - does not know, that the Petitioner is the daughter of Sarah - Sarah passed as free - knew none of the children of Sarah - Simon Somers died seized of Land, in Fairfax County Virginia - After the death of Simon Somers, which happened in the year 1836, the witness with others, Inventoried & appraised the personal property of said Simon Somers, and in so doing, they the Comr. as appraisers, estimated the value of Sarah
and Will's services, while they were slaves to Wesly Adams, as advances made Wesly Adams, who intermarried with Simon Somer's daughter, in order, to bring the same into [illegible], as the Statute of Virginia, authorises & directs - They were in said Inventory & appraisement, considered as manumitted Slaves, and their values estimated accordingly - Wesly Adams was not present - but his children were.
3. Mr. Johnson - was one of the overseers of the Poor of Fairfax County, and in the year 1819 or 1820, Wesley Adams applied to the overseers of the Poor of said County, for money, to support & maintain, two of the young children of Sarah, and subsequently he applied in like manner, for the support of three of Sarah's young children - but does not know, that the Petitioner was one of the children aforesaid. The overseer of the Poor, did furnish supplies for 1819 until 1826 - and that an order was made by the said overseer of the Poor, in 1825 - to demand of Wesly Adams, the $20 advanced him for the support of Sarah's infant children. Simon Somers, lived at the time, those advances
were made, in the District of Columbia, and said Simon Somers, never did make any application to the overseers aforesaid for money, in order to support & maintain the aforesaid children of Sarah.
4. William Adams - knows nothing about the Petitioner - Sarah, was at Wesly Adam's - and who is the Uncle of the Witness - Sarah was very passionate & did nothing - His Uncle took her to the Poor's House of Fairfax County Va & brought her back the same day - His Uncle's creed, was against Slavery in the abstract.

Neg. Julia
Adams & al
Dfts notes of Evidence
May 18, 1842