Julia Roberts v. Austin L. Adams & Ann C. Harding. Petition for Freedom

To the Hon. the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia for Alexandria County
The Petition of Julia Roberts sheweth unto your honors that a certain Austin L. Adams claims your petitioner as his slave & does hold her in slavery by authorising his sister Mrs Anne E Harding to keep your petitioner in slavery. Wherefore Your Petitioner sheweth that she is in law entitled to her freedom & that the claims of said Adams in this behalf, are wholly groundless. Wherefore she prays that her right to freedom may be investigated & that she may be discharged from the dominion illegal restraint imposed upon her by the said Adams & by the said Ann E. Harding acting for the said Adams And as in duty bound your Petitioner will ever pray.
Brent & Brent for Petitioner

Julia Roberts
Austin L. Adams
Ann E. Harding
The Clerk will file this & issue as the law directs
Brent & Brent
referred [strikethrough] as counsil to report the facts & his opinion