Caroline Blue & Noah Blue v. Charles W. C. Dunnington. Affidavit of William S. Colquhoun
On this 5th day of Septr. 1843 came personally before me the Subscriber a Justice of the Peace for said County, Wm. S. Colquhoun of Washington and being duly sworn according to Law states as follows. That Charles W. C. Dunnington his nephew was appointed in 1834 to the Printing business in Washington. That his father Francis H Dunnington died in 1827 leaving his estate very much involved, so much, so that the Administratrix his widow by her own labor and execution alone enabled him in a long time to claim the Estate from debt which was followed by a division of the negroes in the year 1839. That the said Charles became of age in Decr. 1839 and went home to Virginia to his mothers. That in 1840 he returned with his portion to Washington to wit Caroline and Noah where they have remained ever since in his possession until June last when they were removed to Alexandria. This deponent further states that the said Charles W. C. Dunnington is the rightful owner of the said Negroes. further this deponent saith not.
W. S. Colquhoun
Sworn to and subscribed before Th R Hampton JP
Re Negroes Caroline & Noah
Affidavit filed in support of the rule by Dunnington