Nelly Jackson v. Thomas Tebbs. Commission of William Noland

District of Columbia, to wit:—
The United States of America to William Noland Esq. Justice of Peace Gentlemen of The County of Loudoun
Greeting:— Know ye, That we, trusting to your fidelity and provident circumspection in diligently examining Thomas Triplett on behalf of Nelly Jackson in a suit depending in our Circuit Court of the District of Columbia, for the County of Alexandria, between the said Nelly Jackson and Thomas Tebbs we therefore desire you, that at such certain time and place as you shall appoint, you assemble yourselves together and the witnesses aforesaid before you or any or more of you, that you call, and cause to come and diligently examine on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God, touching the matter in controversy between the aforesaid parties; and when you have examined him and taken his depositions as aforesaid, that you return the same to our said Court certified under your hands and seals, inclosed, together with this writ.
Witness—William Kilty Cranch, Esq. Chief Judge of our said Court, this nineteenth day of March in the year of our Lord 18017
G. Deneale CC: