Nelly Jackson v. Thomas Tebbs. Patrick McIntyre's Answers to Petitioner's Interrogatories


Loudoun County to wit

Deposition of Witness's produced Sworn & Examined on the 21 day of April in the year 1817 at the house of Willm. Austin Inn Keeper in the Town of Leesburg & County of Loudoun, by virtue of a Commission Issued out of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia for the Count of Alexandria to me Samuel Murrey a Justice of the Peace of the County of Loudoun, directed for the Examination of Witnesses in a case therein depending between Nelly Jackson plaintiff, & Thos Tibbs Defendant, on behalf of the plaintiff. Patrick McIntyre of the County of Loudoun, of full age being proudced and Examined for and on behelf of the plaintiff, deposeth as follow — Interrogatory

1st are you acquainted with a Negro Woman Called Nelly, alias Nelly Jackson

answer Yes, Nelly was hired to me by Doctor Thos Triplett for a Short time on Tryal, Doctor Treplett offered to Sell the Said Nelly to me for the Sum of three hundred Dollars, some time in the year 1813 or 1814 at my Dwelling house in the Town of Leesburg.

question 2d Did The person who offered to Sell the Said Negro woman to you exhibit to you his authority to Sell her.

answer no, but he offer'd to Sell her as property he received by his wife, under the will of the late Mr. Tibbs her father.

question 3 Do you know anything further respecting the said Negro woman

answer No. and further this deponant saith not.

Patk McIntyre

Loudoun County to wit

This Deposition was taken and the above named Patk McIntyre (the deponant duly Sworn to the truth thereof, as Above Stated before me, Given under my hand & Seal April 21th 1817
Samuel Murrey (Seal)