Delilah v. George Jacobs & Augustine B. Williams. Summons of George Minor et al.

District of Columbia, to wit:
The United States of America,
To the Marshal of the District of Columbia, Greeting:
We command you, That you summon George Minor S, John Adams, Catharine Daniel S, James Scott S and William Tucker S to appear before the Honorable the Judges of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia, for the County of Alexandria, at the Court-House in the Town of Alexandria, on the immediately day of Court, which commences on the Monday to testify and the truth to say, on behalf of Negro Delilah & als in a certain matter of controversy, in our said Court depending and undetermined between Negro Delilah & others & Williams & Jacobs and this they shall in no wise omit, under the penalty of $333 33 cents—And have then there this writ.
Witness, William Cranch, Esq. Chief Judge of our said Court, this 7th day of November in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and thirty two
Edm: J Lee

Negro Delilah & als
Williams & Jacobs
George Minor S
John Adams
Catharine Daniel S
James Scott S
Wm Tucker S
Sumd all but one
C. Scott, DM