Mary Campbell v. Asa Anderson. Summons of John Watkins et al.

District of Columbia, to wit:
The United States of America,
To the Marshal of the District of Columbia, Greeting:
We command you, that you summon John Watkins, Theo: M Williams Wm Govers Jeremiah Brashers and James Boyd to appear before the Honorable the Judges of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia, for the County of Alexandria, at the Court-House in the Town of Alexandria, on the 22nd day of this Court, which commences on the month Monday to testify and the truth to say, on behalf of Nancy Campbell Mary Campbell in a certain matter of controversy, in our said Court depending and undetermined between Nancy Campbell Mary Campbell & Asa Anderson and this they shall in no wise omit, under the penalty of $333 33 cents—And have then there this writ.
Witness, William Cranch, Esq. Chief Judge of our said Court, this 8th day of November in the year of our Lord, 18230.
Edm: J Lee CC
Phenix Office.

Jno. Watkins
James Boyle
Theodore M Williams
Wm Govers
Jeremiah Brashears
To be executed by any individual reading it to [illegible] & making an affidavit of such service before a Justice. Subpoena & Affidavit to be returned by 22. Novr

State of Maryland Price Georges County Sct.
On this 20th day of November, 1830, before me the Subscriber a Justice of the Peace, in and for said County, appears Francis Dorsey, and makes Oath on the holy Evanjely of almighty god that he did serve the annexed subpoena, on all the witnesses therein named, except James Boyle.
Sworn before Overton C. Warren
Maryland Prince Georges County Sct
I hereby Certify that Overton C Warner gentleman by whom the above oath appears to have been administered was on the day of the date thereof and still is one of the state of Maryland Justices of the Peace in & for said County duly commissioned (amp; sworn
In Testimony whereof I have hereto Subscribed my name & affixed the seal of Prince Georges County Court this 20th day of November 1830
Aquila Beall Clk of Prince Georges Coty Crt

To The Clerk of the district of Columbia Alexandria court