Mary Campbell v. Asa Anderson. Affidavit of Robert I. Taylor

Robert I. Taylor assigned by the Court to state & report the claim of Mary Campbell a Petitioner for leave to sue for her freedom in forma pauperis.
reports to the Court that from the evidence laid before him and herewith submitted to the Court, it appears that the Petitioner was the property of one Henderson Magruder by whose last will & testament she was duly and legally emancipated. and in the opinion of the subscriber report to be allowed to sue for the recovery therof.
R. I. Taylor
Nov. 3 1838

Negroe Mary Campbell
November Term 4th day
Petition filed & R. I. Taylor assigned counsel for the petitioner who reported &c & leave given to sue in forma pauperis & process awarded
16th day (see M. Bk p: 263) deft to give bond &c
17th day. Not gty Jd[?] & Jury sworn & affd who returned the following verdict "We of the Jury find for the deft" & Judgt