Susanna Luckett v. Jonathan P. Walkom & Elizabeth Walkom. Affidavit of John Addison
Personally appeared before the subscriber a Justice of the Peace for the County aforesaid, John Addison, who made oath in due form of law, that he now resides, and for some time past has resided in Prince Georges County in the State of Maryland & that whilst residing there Susan Luckett the plaintiff lived in his family from the 1st day of January 1822 until the 2d day of January 1823. That he this deponent hired the said Susan for one year of Mrs Elizabeth Walkom the defendant then and now residing in the Town of Alexandria and that the said Susan staid in his family the time above mentioned, that at the time the said Susan was hired she resided in the Town of Alexandria with her mistress and same place to the residence of the affiant aforesaid.
Interrogating by the Defdt. have you any personal knowledge that the plf resided in Alexandria at the time she was hired to you did you ever see her there. or is your information on this subject derived from them. If so from whom is your information derived.