Dorcas & Julia v. James Smith. Complaint


County of Alexandria to wit

Negroe Dorcas admitted to sue in forma pauperis complains of James Smith in custody &c of a plea of Trespass for this that on the first day of April in the year 1817 at the County aforesaid the defdt with force and arms did make an assault on the plf and the plf then and there did beat and would and falsely imprison for the a long space of time to wit for two years, and other wrongs and injuries to the plf did to the against the peace and government of the United States and to the damage of this plf       Dollars & thereupon she brings suit &c

R. I. Taylor pq


Negroe Dorcas
James Smith

Nar. T. A. B & F. I.

Nov: Term 22nd day Continued

Defts Costs
App 8 Ord: 26 plea 18 $.52
No: 26 Jud: 18 C 18 TC 20 1.20
Attos fee 5.