Dorcas & Julia v. James Smith and Fanny v. Isaac Kell. Agreement

Negroe Fanny vs Isaac Kell
Negroes Julia v James Smith
The counsel for plf & defdt in the above suits agree that the report made by the counsel assigned by the court to examine and report the petitioners claim to their freedom and filed in the first named suit shall be turned into a case agreed and that verdicts shall be taken for the plf in the above suits subject to the opinion of the court on the said agreed case
R. I. Taylor plf atty
Thomson F Mason
for Smith deft

agreement of counsel
The Petitioners acquired no legal right to freedom. If they are entitled in Equity can they recover in this form of action? Does a voluntary promise to emancipate give an equitable claim? Will equity enforce a [illegible] pact? Is there any [illegible] moral obligation to [illegible] which will stand in the place of a consideration? Can any contract between master & slave give a Right either at law or in equity?