William v. John Swann. Summons of Sarah Plummer et al.

District of Columbia
Corporate Town of Alexandria
Complaint haveing been made to me by William that he was held in bondage contrary to Law. that he was formerly the property of John Plummer of the County of Prince George in the State of Maryland. at his death he became the property of his widow Sarah Plummer that about five years ago he was removed from the State of Maryland into this District and has continued since that period to live in this Town and the adjoining County of Fairfax that he was hired for one year to Mr Bryan Hampson that for the last nine months he has been permitted to hire him self. that during that time he lived about three months with Thomas Swann Junr. and the last six months with John Swann in whose employ he now is that he has regularly paid his hire to Gerard Plummer who he has been informed is the Agent of Mrs. Sarah Plummer Widow of the aforenamed John Plummer who now holds him in slavery. and prays the protection of the Laws of this District.
These are therefore to Command you to Summons the said Sarah Plummer Bryant Hampson Thomas Swan Jur. John Swann and Gerard Plummer to appear before me, and at the same time being the said William before me to be bealt with according to Law

Given under my hand and Seal this 12th day of December 1820
Jacob Hoffman Mayor
To any Constable of the County
John Swann to give security in the sum of four hundred Dollars for the appearance of William to one present Court and there to Continue untill duly discharged
Jacob Hoffman Mayor
Security given
Thomas Swann Jnr. in the sum of 200$
Peter E Hoffman in like amount
Jacob Hoffman Mayor

Williams Papers