William v. John Swann. Petition for Freedom

To the Honorable Judges of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia. Your Petitioner Negroe William, a pauper, respectfully represents, that he was born and brought up in the State of Maryland, and was then held by one John Plummer during his life time as his property. That after the death of the said John your Petitioner became the property of his widow by whom your Petitioner was illegally imported into the District County of Alexandria that under the said Importation your Petitioner has been hired out in the said Town of Alexandria and has there remained more than twelve months, and that he is now illegally detained in Slavery by one John Swann under a contract of him with him by the agent of the widow of the said John Plummer. Your Petitioner therefore prays that he may be permitted to sue for the recovery of his freedom in forma puperis, and to that end that your Honors may assign him Counsel to state and report his case with the evidence of the facts by which his claim aforesaid is supported, and your Petitioner.

In the Case of Negroe William a Pauper
Petition for leave to sue in forma pauperis
Robt. I. Taylor Esq is assigned counsel for the petitioner to examine & report &c.
Negro William (a pauper
John Plummer & John Swann
Nov. Term 15th day On the petition of Negro William a pauper setting forth that he is illegally held in slavery by one John Swann & praying that he may be permitted to sue for the recovery of his freedom in forma pauperis Robert I. Taylor Esq is assigned as Counsel to state and report her Case with the evidence of the facts by which his claim as aforesaid is supported.
(see Report of Counsel)