Samuel Reeler v. Matthew Robinson. Affidavit of Abraham Faw

Alexandria County Sst
Whereas Samuel Reeler a Black Man personally Complained before me A. Faw one of the Justices of Peace for said County, that he is unlawfully detained in Slavery by Mathew Robinson, he States that he was imported in the District of Columbia from Charles County in the State of Maryland many years past, by Samuel Harrison, and he was not recorded Accordg to Law. You are therefore required to Summons Mathew Robinson to appear before me or some other Justice of Peace to Answer said Charge, and that Justice may be done said Complainant
Given under my Hand and Seal this 30th Day of March 1819.
A Faw (Seal)
To any Constable of said County

U States
Mathew Robinson and Reuben Johnson each Recog $400
John Wells
Judgt that the defendant find Security in $800 for the appearance of the Complainant to petition the Court respecting his freedom
A Faw
March 31st 1819
Costs 70½ 1000