Lotty v. William F. Luckie. Summons of William F. Luckie
Complaint having been made to me by Letty a black woman, that she is detained ilegally in Bondage by William F. Luckie who is about to remove her from the District, together with three Children, two of which she has had since she obtained her freedom.
These are therefore to Command you to Summons the said William F Luckie to appear before me and bring with you at the same time the said Letty and three Children who are detained by the said Luckie in the House of Ely Legg
Given under my hand and seal this 25th day of April 1818
Jacob Hoffman Mayor (seal)
To any Constable of Police or County
W F Luckie give Security in the sum of One Thousand Dollars that Letty and her three Children be forthcoming at the Court now sitting. And then to continue untill disposed of by the Court and pay cost of this Warrant.
Jacob Hoffman Myr.