Billy v. Jonathan Davis & James Kincaid. Petition for Freedom
To the Honorable the Judges of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia. The petition of negro boy named Billy by Th an infant by Thomas Braddock sheweth unto your Honors that he is illegally detained as a slave by Jonathan Davis & James Kincaid. That he is entitled to his freedom according to the annexed [illegible] which he prays may be received[?] as a part of his petition. He therefore prays bond to institute a suit in forma pauperis in this Court agt the said Jonathan Davis & James Kincaid.
Ed: J Lee for petitioner
20th December 1816
& certify that in my opinion the petioner is entitled to his freedom
Ed: J Lee
Negroe Billy
Jonathan Davis and James Kincaid
1816. Novr. Term. 14th day
E. J. Lee assd. Counsel to Plt. & leave given to bring a suit in forma pauperis & ordered that process issue agt. the sd. Davis & Kincaid to answer the Complaint & in the meantime that the sd. Negro Billy be in the Custody of the Marshal until the sd. Davis & Kincaid shall give Bond & Secy. in the Penalty of $800. with the Clerk of this Court to have the said Negro Billy forthcoming to answer the Judgment of the Court, & until the sd. Davis & Kincaid shall give Bond & Secy. as aforesd., Ordered, that the Marshal hire the said Negro for the best price that can be got to some reputable person resident in this County & render to this Court an account of the money which may be received for his wages. Same orders to be enter'd in this case as in Negro Williams.